Babies Daily Routine
Centre opens
Early staff set up (indoor /outdoor)
Congregate in Junior kindy yard
Early nappy changes
Activity and experiences time
Indoor and outdoor play
Nappy changes
Hand washing
Babies lunch time
Nappy checks/ changes
Children wake up
Nappy changes, sunscreen & insect spray on
Afternoon tea
Combined in Junior kindy yard /room
Late afternoon tea snack
All children combine in the Junior Kindy Yard/ Room
Centre closed
Please note: We aim to support the best interest and needs of our babies and families. These times are a guideline, and we understand and are prepared when routines can change at different rates, approximately every 2 to 4 weeks due to on-going development and growth. Any Questions please talk to our staff.
What to bring for Babies
Items to remember:
- Fruit- Please place in fruit basket
- Please ensure child’s sheets are labelled and in a bag
- Bag
- Bottles / Formula / Breast milk
- Spare clothes (please ensure all clothes are named)
- Nappies – please put in your child’s nappy box.
- Comforters.
Provided by OACCC are as follow;
- Meals throughout the day
- Cow’s milk
- Own named drinking cup
- Own sun safety hat
- Sunscreen and Mosquito spray
Without over loading you with too much information, we look forward to meeting you all giving you a personal tour around our new refurbished babies’ room.